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Control is the matter

Head coach of Ural Great Drazen Anzulovic answered fan-mail questions. As the coach says, control and commitment is the recipe of success for a good team:

Why did you choose to sign for Ural Great? What attracted you most in this offer?

I am an ambitious man. It is a good challenge for me to come and make basketball situation different in Ural Great. Five-six years ago this club was very famous and strong, my ambition is to lead Ural Great back to these heights. We will do everything possible to get back in to the number of the top basketball clubs in Russia.

How did the negotiations develop? Was the decision to sign the contract and go to work in Ural Great easy for you?

This June the president of Ural Great Andrey Agishev and the clubs general manager Sergey Belov came to Zagreb. They made me the offer to become a coach of Ural Great. Our talks convinced me of their serious plans. Such approach attracted me a lot. My other motivation was the opportunity to play in the Russian Superleague. Russian championship is stronger than Croatian. So my move to Russia is a good step forward in my career.

How many foreign players will be in the team this season?

We will have five new foreign players. Two guys from USA Andrew Wisniewski and Brent Wright and three Bosman players: one American guy with Belgian passport Ralph Biggs, Ivan Koljevic from Montenegro and Vanja Plisnic from Serbia.

Who in your opinion is the best player of the two Americans whom you have: Wright or Wisniewski?

Wright and Wisniewski play different positions. Andrew Wisniewski is a point guard and Brent Wright is a big guy. I know that both guys are very good players and nice positive persons for the team. Last year we had very good friendly relations between the players in Cibona. This is the reason why I took the two guys to Ural Great.

Are you satisfied with the roster of the team as it is by now?

Yes I think we have all the players whom we wanted to sign. Russian basketball federation rules require two domestic players always be on the court during the game. Thats why Russian players are very important for the team and their performance becomes crucial matter of point for every club.

Will Ural Great qualify to the playoffs? What place in the final qualifications of Russian Superleague are we aiming at? What are the goals for the season?

Our main goal for the season is to qualify to the playoffs. I cannot be sure but we will work hard. We will do everything to reach this goal. We want to play as good as we can and give 100% in every game. I hope Ural Great will be in the number of eight best teams in Russia and go to the playoffs. Our other aim is to go as far as possible in the FIBA EuroCup, preferably reach its finals. Our first step will be winning the second round of qualification that we enter the competition from and then go to the group stage. At the end wed wish to be among the top teams of the FIBE EuroCup.

To be realistic, with the team roster as you have now what are the maximum and minimum goals of Ural Great?

Maximum for this team is to be among the first four of clubs participating in the Russian championship. It sounds not very realistic but we must always set maximum goals and do everything possible to fulfill them. Our minimum task is to qualify in the number of eight top Russian clubs.

How will your pre-season camp be organized? How many games will you play?

We started our camp on the 10th of August in Perm. First we worked with only Russian players, foreigners joined us a bit later. We have some guys on their try-outs. We will see what they can. Ralph Biggs and Ivan Koljevic will come directly to Slovenia. In the pre-season we will play about ten games. We plan also to organize several friendly games in Perm at the end of September. I think it is enough for good preparation.

What game style does the coach Drazen Anzulovic prefer?

A coach Drazen Anzulovic prefers control. I want to be in control of everything all the time. It is the first and most important thing for me. Second thing about me as a coach is that my team plays offence. We must be aggressive all the time. In offence my players must know everything what they must do. We must have control of the on-court situation all the time, we must respect a ball and throughout the forty minutes of the game we must show maximum of what we can. This is my style and I what I prefer on the game.

What is your vision of Ural Great before the season starts?

What I want for the season is that everybody in the team must do everything for the win of Ural Great. This is my vision of every game with Ural Great.

Name the three strongest championships in Europe?

I think the three strongest championships in Europe are the Spanish, Russian and Italian ones.

If the team loses, whose fault is that: players or coaches?

Both. A coach is the person who must organize everything. The players responsibility is to do everything they can in the game. So both players and coaches are at a fault if the game is lost.

How much time do you need to make up a good strong team?

We have enough time for preparing for the season. So if all guys will stay fit and without injuries well be good prepared for the season.

What is your attitude to basketball fans?

I think fans are very important for the team. I have a lot of good information about Ural Great fans. They should remain positive and stay with the team. I know our teams home court will be very hot for the opponents if our loyal fans stay with us. With their support we will score ten points more in every game.

What do you know about Perm basketball?

I know the history of your team. I remember how Ural Great played in the European championships and was a champion.

Are you ready to stay in Perm more than one season?

I am ready to stay in Perm as long as the president and general manager will be happy with my work and my results. I can stay here a lot of time.

In Russian schools they have special lessons of foreign language, usually it is English, German or French. What about language lessons in Croatia and former Yugoslavia countries? What foreign language did you study in school?

In my school I learnt English. It is the first foreign language I learnt at school. Also I learnt a bit of Italian but I dont speak it actually. I graduated from the university in Zagreb, faculty of physical culture.

Tell about your family. Will they join you in Perm?

I have a big family with three children: two sons and a daughter. They will stay in Zagreb.

Bok Drazen.
Kako si?
Nadam se da kod tebe je sve u redu i svida ti se u Uralu. Zelim
tebi sve najbolje i drzim fige.Imam pitanje jel u Permu je takoder
Dario? Super bi je bilo kada ti si odgovorio na mail.
Puno pozdrava iz suncanog Gdanjska
(A question is from Poland, Prokom Trefl: I hope everything is OK with you Drazen and you like to work in Ural Great. I wish you all the best. Is Dario with you now? It would be great if you could answer me on my e-mail.)

Everything is fine here. I like to be in Ural Great. I like to live in Perm. Dario came to work with me here. We will send an e-mail when we are back to Perm. We will stay in touch.
22--2007 Ural Great signed Ivan Koljevic
22--2007 From Ural Great to Berlin Thunder
22--2007 Pre-season camp
21--2007 Ural Great signed Ralph Biggs
20--2007 Friends-teammates
17--2007 Vanja Plisnic arrived to Perm
17--2007 Grey Urals took the fourth place
16--2007 Anniversary year
14--2007 D. Anzulovic: I am an ambitious man
09--2007 Anzulovic arrived to Perm
07--2007 Vladimir Shevel arrived to Perm
06--2007 Our player in the Russian NT
06--2007 Ural Great goes to the Balkans
03--2007 Ural Great signed Roman Khamitov
02--2007 Ural Great signed Vladimir Shevel
30--2007 Ural Great signed Vanja Plisnic
27--2007 Aleksey Pegushin will be the team manager
24--2007 Third newcomer in the team
11--2007 Ural Great signed Andrew Wisniewski
10--2007 Ural Great signed Brent Wright

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